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Variability, Correlations, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Rhizome Yield and Yield Related Traits in Ginger (Zingiberofficinale Rosc.) Landraces from Burkina Faso

Ginger (Zingiberofficina leRosc.) is an economically important plant, valued all over the world. Ginger was introduced in Burkina Faso several decades ago, and is commonly called « Gnamankou ». Identification and characterization of germplasm is an important link between the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources.

A total of 56 ginger ecotypes collected from three provinces (Léraba, Comoé and Kénédougou) in Burkina Faso were assessed in Bérégadougou, based of 13 morph-metric and agronomic traits. Four replications were used in randomized complete block design during the rainy season 2015.

This study aimed to assess the extent of genetic variability existing in ginger landraces grown in Burkina Faso through the study of variance components, heritability and genetic advance to select best genotypes for further breeding program. Significant differences were observed (p ˂ 0.01) among all the genotypes for all the characters studied, except tillers number per plant.

Rhizome yield and rhizome weight per plant showed high phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variability, while leaf width, rate of emerged shoots, plant height, rhizome width and thickness were relatively moderate. Rhizome weight per plant had significant correlation with rhizome thickness, plant height and leaf width.

These traits are most important selection indices of rhizome yield. High heritability estimates associated with high genetic advance were obtained for rhizome weight per plant, rhizome yield, plant height and rhizome length indicating the presence of additive gene action on these characters.

Selection based on rhizome weight per plant, plant height, rhizome length and rate of emerged shoots will be rewarding for yield improvement. The study reveals existence of genetic variability among cultivated ginger from Burkina Faso for further yield improvement

Auteurs : Hervé NANDKANGRE, Mahama OUEDRAOGO, Romaric K. NANEMA, Souleymane BADO, Nobila OUEDRAOGO, Mahamadou SAWADOGO

Source : http://www.textroad.com/