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Assessment of genetic diversity in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) landraces in Burkina Faso using microsatellite markers (SSR)

Bambara groundnut is an important source of protein to the rural majority in sub-Saharan Africa. However, smallfarmers grow locally adapted landraces which are generally low yielding. Adequate knowledge of variability within Bambara groundnut germplasm collections is crucial for crop improvement and has importantimplications for conservation, management and future usefulness of germplasm resources. The objective of…

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Genetic diversity analysis of Burkina Faso Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) landraces using microsatellite markers

Identification and characterization of germplasm is important for efficient management strategies in conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources. This investigation aimed to assess genetic diversity of 47 ginger landraces from Burkina Faso base on polymorphism of eight SSR primers. Seven of theses primers produced 60 loci out of which 95.3% were found to be…

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Aperçu de la culture du voandzou (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) au Burkina Faso: enjeux et perspectives d’amélioration de sa productivité

Le voandzou constitue avec le niébé, les deux principales légumineuses alimentaires pour de nombreuses populations rurales et la frange pauvre des citadins au Burkina Faso. Cependant, des informations émanant de l’environnement de production de cette culture selon la perception des producteurs sont quasi inexistantes. Cette étude vise à s’informer au mieux des réalités sociales, environnementales et techniques qui entourent…

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Variability, Correlations, Heritability and Genetic Advance of Rhizome Yield and Yield Related Traits in Ginger (Zingiberofficinale Rosc.) Landraces from Burkina Faso

Ginger (Zingiberofficina leRosc.) is an economically important plant, valued all over the world. Ginger was introduced in Burkina Faso several decades ago, and is commonly called « Gnamankou ». Identification and characterization of germplasm is an important link between the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources. A total of 56 ginger ecotypes collected from…

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Morphometric and agronomic characterization of 56 ginger landraces in Burkina Faso

This study aims to characterize and assess the variability within the ginger accessions growing in Burkina Faso for morphometric and agronomic traits in order to identify appropriate strategies for the future breeding program. The experiment was conducted with 56 accessions in Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. Moderate diversity was observed for morphometric and…

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